What a fabulous Thanksgiving weekend. I spoke to both daughters and both of my brothers. Took Mom on an outing. Spent time with friends in person and on the phone.
Saturday was a beautiful day to take an early morning walk along the Douglas Fir Trail.
First I was out early and got some sunrise pics form Ranchlands Hill. I thought that I should check out the Bow River. I had a great walk with the beautiful Alberta blue sky. I then went to Costco and pick up some stuff. Some for Christmas but most for when I return from vacation.Then it was over to Deni's. Brian helped me take the canopy apart and then transported it in his truck to my place. He is an odd duck but a good worker. He had been in the bush all summer and is getting use to being around people again. As I was coming into the house I had an invite to join neighbours for Shepards Pie. Yummy!
Sunrise Oct 8, 2011
Bow River looking westward
On Sunday I took Mom to Heritage Park. It is always fun to take her there and listen to her tell people about how she once lived. I always learn something interesting or funny. She was telling one woman stories about her family and everyone was laughing. We went into the print shop and talked about Armstrong Press. I have such intense memories of the smell of the ink and playing with pieces of type as a child. It was good to get her out and walking in the fresh air. I came home to watch the Winnipeg Jets. Great to see hockey in Winter-peg again. They sure deserve it. Even PM Harper was there to watch the home opener. I went over to the neighbours to have a delicous Ham Thanksgiving supper. It was a nice evening with Tim, Jocelyn and Dani. Jocelyn's sister, Jackie and her boyfriend Rich. They are a nice family and it was a great evening.
Sunrise Oct 9 2011
Mom at the front desk of the Wainwright Hotel
Holiday Monday I got to work early and did a big clean up of the house. I even managed to get the wallpaper up in the bathroom after having it around for years. I got all the laundry done and clothes are packed for my vacation to start on Thursday. I took a break and went to Jane Roberts' place. We were going to watch Doctor Who but somehow it had been earased off here PVR. We watched something else not as good of course but she feed me a turkey sandwich and homemade turkey soup. Came home to finish house work and get ready to go to work for 2 days. Then it is off to Naniamo for a week vacation and then Vancouver for a library conference.