Took the 8:30 ferry to Vancouver. Met Daryl at Canada Place. Went to lunch at the Elephant and Castle Pub in the Marine Building. Last feed of west coast fish and chips before heading back to the prairies for beef.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Oct 16, 2010 Vancouver BC
Took the 8:30 ferry to Vancouver. Met Daryl at Canada Place. Went to lunch at the Elephant and Castle Pub in the Marine Building. Last feed of west coast fish and chips before heading back to the prairies for beef.
Oct 15, 2010 Cowichan Bay
After Chemainus we went down the road and took a short detour on to a Native Reserve. We found a Fish Hatchery. The people running it had gone for lunch. I went into the office and meet Florence Elliot. She is an elder and both her sons run the place. One of them takes care of the hatchery. The other one has started a business with indigeous plants. He is gathering plants in the forest that are difficult to find. Deni would have been in her glory there. We went out to the river where the fish count is happening at night. It was a beautiful tranquil spot.
We then headed out to Cowichan Bay. It has really changed a huge resort has been built there. It was a tiny little place that we got cheap fish and chips at. Not any more. The docks are still the same. Some things don't change.
That night we headed to my favorite Mexican Restuarant, Gina's to meet up with Ross and Bonnie for supper. It was a great way to end the trip.
Oct 15, 2010 Chemainus BC

It was another beautiful day so we headed down to see the murals in Chemainus. I remember in 1982 when this town decide it might be a good idea to paint a couple of murals as a tourist attraction. They have done OK with the idea. The first one was the native faces rather plain in comparison to the ones to follow.
Then there was the library branch. Shauna thinks this is the perfect setup for us. I'll run the library and she'll work at the booze store. I'll forgive her fines and she sell me wine cheap. Perfect Mom, daughter business!
Oct 14, 2010 The cloudy day
Went for an early morning walk with Kevin to the Namaimo shipyards. Saw a family of 5 otters swimming in the harbour. Also saw the baot that the refugees came across the Pacific Ocean in. Can't believe it was such a small ship. Looked like a rust bucket. They were also moving a small BC ferry into dry dock. It was an eventful morning on the water.
Oct 13, 2010 The hiking day
It was another beautiful sunny day. The dew was so heavy that my jeans got soaking wet to my knees. I hadn't waterproofed my new Merrells either so feet also got very wet. Lucky it was so warm.
They truly do live in a beautiful spot.
Oct 12, 2010 Victoria BC
Then we took a tour of the downtown core. The tourist stuff has been left the same but many of the businesses are very different from 30 years ago. Rogers is still there and Murchies Tea. Went to buy some of the special paint that K & K paint their house with. We went to a shopping area that was run down back in the day, but has been renovated and is now upscale. It was good to see.
We attempted to drive to the old Russell place but I couldn't seem to navigate through to Langford from downtown. I ended up sending poor Kevin in a scenic circle. I take it as a sign that I am not meant to go back and see it. So much development has happened that it will not be the same place. It would make me sad or mad if the plants and trees that Rose and Tom planted were gone. It was like a mini Buchart Gardens in the backyard.
We drove back to Nanaimo in a bit of rush hour traffic. By the time we hit Goldstream Park it was done.
Oct 11, 2010 Thanksgiving Day
I never know how to load pictures on blogger. I can't figure out how to manage more than 4 on a page.
This is of our early morning walk around the Inner Harbour. The sun was rising and it was crisp and damp. I knew what I was Thankful for on Thanksgiving morning.
Here is one of the floating eating establishments that has now closed for the season. The tourist season that is. I love the way they have stored the boats, a red kayak and a blue row boat inside where the tables are.
The other picture is Kathryn standing beside one of her favorite photo subjects. I call it the smiley boat. I remember fishing in one many years ago on Brentwood Bay. I got so sick and it wasn't just sea sickness it was from the engine fumes coming into the little cabin.
Cute little boat when it is tied up to the dock!

On the Island Oct 10, 2010 or 10/10/10
I had a great visit with friends on the Island. I am going to attempt to post some pictures. This is a picture of Nanaimo from the ferry dock on the way to Gabriola Island. The day I arrived was cloudy and pouring down rain this was the following morning.
This is returning from Gabriola to the Inner Harbour. There was a prescribed burn taking place hence the smoke going up into the clouds. It was a bright sunny and warm day. We had taken the artists tour of the Ialand. They open their galleries to the public. I bought a new garnet bracelet from Maureen at the Whalesong studio. Went to see Mindy Joeseph in her ocean side home studio. It was the most amazing colour I felt in love with one piece titled Bounce. I was planning on it but I bought it. I loved the movement in the piece and it was glowing went I brought it out in the sunlight.
Saw a glass artist on the raod that Bonnie and Ross are building there new home but I hadn't heard back yet so we didn't try to track them down. Loved the glass work but refrained from making any purchases there. Went to one last studio that was a water colour artist. He mostly painted ships, logging equipment and trains. We had seen enough for one day and headed home on the north shore drive. I try to envision it with all the Halloween decorating that the residents do. Some year I may go out there just for Halloween to see it done.
We arrived back at the ferry launch, first in line. So we headed over to the pub and had the best unhealthy meal. I had an order of sweet potatoes fries, Kathryn had popcorn shrimp and Kevin had dry ribs. Huge plates of food that are so salty to make you order and drink more beer. We were not drinking booze and we couldn't finish them. You could feel the grease soaking into your arteries. Gross but good!
It was a good day.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Official ending of Summer
I have been spending a most spectaular week on Vancouver Island. The weather is better than Calgary saw all summer long. It is a fabulous place to be when the sun is shining but I know it does not stay this way all winter long. Kathryn and Kevin's new place is so luxurious it truly is like staying at a spa. I have a queen size bed with an ensuite and there is a fireplace in the room. Haven't needed to put in on but it looks good. They are in the midst of painting the place in the same colours that the townhouse in Tuscany was painted in. It feels like their home again. The rest of the units are selling slowly, another one sold yesterday. It is a prime location to be downtown and once the bus depot leaves their current location just down the street I am sure they will sell quickly. Kevin and I walked over to the Thrifty store to pick up the fixin's for dinner last night. Took us 45 minutes to get there and back again. Found a McGavin bread store a 5 minute walk away. We also went for a morning stroll along Millstream river and through Bowen Park. It is truly a fantastic location. If they do get a kayak they have access to the the waterway that goes out into the harbour. I am happy for them to see them in such a great place to live.
I do feel the dampness here even though the weather is fabulous. Being this close to the ocean is beautiful but I always miss a dry climate. My bones are achey I had to break down and take an Aleve this morning. My hands feel stiff and sore as I type. Also I feel it deep in my lungs. I never feel as if I can take a deep breath and not start to cough. As much as I love it out here I don't know if my body would ever adjust to it. I would have to rent a place before I would consider a retirement move out here. Too bad because I love the way they live out here. It is so laid back and relaxed in comparison to the crazy Calgary lifestyle.
We are going to take a drive down to Chemainus today. It is a small town that the in-laws never wanted to go visit. It was a tourist trap in their opinion. I want to go and see the murals that the town is famous for.
So far we have travelled over to Gabriola Island and driven down to Victoria. I had wanted to see the old Russell homestead but we didn't have a map and drove in a big circle. We did have a scenic tour but I was frustrated by not remembering how to get out of downtown. I was in the front seat trying to give Kevin directions when I was barely remembering landmarks and Kathryn was in the backseat looking on her iPhone at Google maps. Poor Kevin was attempting to go the right way. It was a bit of a nightmare to say the least. As always he was so good nature about it. I would have pulled the car over, gotten out and screamed to release the tension. I took it as a sign that I wasn't meant to go back and see the place.
So much has changed around the city. The old Hudson Bay store has been saved and cleaned up. It has been converted into small overprice condos. I always think about someone in Sandy's family who had the job of going into the Bay at night and shooting every rat that he could find. I think he was paid by the number of rats he killed. What would all those richy rich folks buying in there think of that?
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Summer 2010
I spoke to a friend who tried to find where I was this summer via my blog. I am a bad blogger.
I blog after everything has come and gone. I can not discpline myself to post on a regular basis.
I admire those folk who can do it.
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