Sunday, October 17, 2010

Oct 15, 2010 Chemainus BC

It was another beautiful day so we headed down to see the murals in Chemainus. I remember in 1982 when this town decide it might be a good idea to paint a couple of murals as a tourist attraction. They have done OK with the idea. The first one was the native faces rather plain in comparison to the ones to follow.

Then there was the library branch. Shauna thinks this is the perfect setup for us. I'll run the library and she'll work at the booze store. I'll forgive her fines and she sell me wine cheap. Perfect Mom, daughter business!


  1. I love the murals as I travel. After the fact, I wish I'd stopped at everyone to take a picture. Glad to see you did. :)

  2. Another comment: your mom/daught business idea is so like my daughters and me. I always forgave their library fines when working at the library. As adults, they cannot return a book on time for the life of them!! They taught me about 2-buck-chuck at Trader Joe's. :)

  3. I currently work in a University library and on occasion go to our fabulous public library in town. I never, ever get books back on time. I won a Sony e-reader at a conference recently so I'll attempt to borrowing using it. From what I hear the book just disappears off your account when it is due.
