Pie at the Raven and Crown Pub Cedar BC |
The end of summer is near. When I awoke at 5:30 this morning my outside solar lights were still on. That sun is getting up later and later. I have had a good summer this year. Not much happening the first month. I was waiting for my little Miss Laura to get out here for a visit.
Went to the Stampede parade for the first time in many years. MRU had reserved seats in the bleachers. That was fun. The parade had a different feel to it. Maybe not as many bands as years past. I can't put my finger on it but it felt different. It was still long 3 hours. Enjoyed the Mount Royal folks we sat with. Had a great conversation with Gord Gillies. Such a nice man. The MRU floats were fun to see. I didn't recognize anyone. I think that is Tamerea on the far right side pushing the cake. Not sure. Of course everyone stood up so I was taking pics over people's heads.
MRU birthday centennial Bday cake float |
Laura arrived in mid July for a visit that was too short . We had Lily-Ann for 2 1/2 days. It was also far too short but it gave Laura and Lily time together. They went to the zoo on the hottest day we had at 30 C. Laura didn't find it to bad but I know it would have been to hot for me at the zoo. It gave them a nice day to spend quality time together. Next day we went to visit my Mom, fun to have 4 generations together. Glad that we could do that.
Laura, Lily, Marge |
I left the morning after Laura went back to TO. The weather was perfect to travel, overcast and rainy. Time to go. Spent the night in Salmon Arm. Woke up to sunshine. Made it through the craziness of Vancouver driving arrived just as the 12:30 ferry was loading it was full. Next one was leaving at 3:15 and there was room for me and the Echo. I was worried that I might have to wait for the 2nd sailing. It was Friday night of the bathtub race weekend. Arrived at the Millstone Spa at 5:30. Kevin was working late so Kathryn and I headed out to Gina's Mexican Restaurant for supper. Love that place.
The Spa on the Millstone River. Tide is out. |
The next day we stayed in town. Went to a street festival downtown in the morning. Checked out the downtown branch of the public library. Very nice place. Of course the public computers were swamped. Found a used bookstore bought a copy of In the Skin of a Lion for my summer reading. That night we walked down to the harbour to see a fabulous fireworks display.
On Sunday Kathryn and I went to the folk fest in Duncan. Saw mostly Alberta artists. It was a funny flashback to the sixties. There were more hippies in one place than I have seen since Yorkville. The festival was very small only 3000 tickets for sale. They didn't even sell out. It is a beautiful venue on a working farm. My favorite performance was Maria Dunn in a chapel. She didn't even need a mic and her voice is so pure. Then there was John Wort Hamann performing on the main stage. He was the closing performer. He didn't do his usual red neck prairie boy performance. It suited the laid back atmosphere. He mainly performed old songs from Dynamite and Dozers. I really like the relaxed venue and I hope to go back again for the full weekend some year.
Innukshuk on Miracle Beach |
Oyster River as it follows into the Salish Sea. |
Monday I reserved a campsite at Miracle Beach for 4 nights. Once again it was a beautiful place to be. I went up the road a bit and found a beach that had only 4 other people on it at Oyster Beach. Spent an afternoon just relaxing in the sunshine. Went back early the next morning to take pictures. Light was so soft as only the west coast can be.
It was so nice to be sleeping in my tent. Every morning a Raven would stop by to be my alarm clock at around 6:30 am. Then the songbirds would start up. Loved it.
Campsite at Miracle Beach |
My favorite footbridge on the way to the beach. |
Friday I returned to K & K's place. Kevin had a day off so we got to watch a football game on Friday night. BBQ, beer and football! Saturday Kathryn and I went to an incredible garden in Cedar BC. It was very whimsical and quirky. It had been created by artists. Then it was off to a pub where I had the best pie ever! Raspberry and blueberry together in a mile high pie. Sunday we all went to a Farmers market in a field beside the same pub. Took a drive around the backroads of Cedar.
A happy bumble bee. |
Metal palm trees. |
Said good-bye to K & K early Tuesday morning. They both had to go to work early poor babies! Headed down to Chemainus. I wanted to check out the location of a condo that I love the look of on line. it was in a great location right across the road from a nice park. I would love to retire and live there. I will continue to keep my eye on the place. The town was so friendly I walked around for about an hour. Everyone smiled and said hello. Super nice small town. They even have an emergency medical centre. Important place to have was we age.
Debbie's retirement villa?
Continued down the road to Victoria, found Goldstream Park.The site wasn't ready yet so I went to visit the old Russell home. It was still well cared for. There new homes built across the street up the hill in front of the house. I drove to the top of the hill and arrived at Greenmasions Way. Rather pretentious! The lots on the very top are still empty. They are no doubt worth a zillion dollars. The views were 360. Returned to the campsite and it was ready so I set up my tent and spent the rest of the day resting and relaxing. |
Zillion dollar view across the Strait toward USA.
Next day was my Emily Carr day. Started out with a walk through Beacon Hill Park. Both the manicured flower beds and the wild grasslands. Thought of her walking her sheepdogs in the park. I had my own flashback moment when I saw the Children's Farm and I saw my 2 little girls running and laughing playing with animals. Happy times. Next I stopped by The House of All Sorts. It is still a rental property. I so want to rent a place there. The 2 Thunderbirds she painted on the attic ceiling are there still.
Then it was on to the BC museum to see an exhibit titled The Other Emily. It was about her early years in Victoria. They wanted to show that she was not this old cranky woman who suffered for her art as she is so often depicted. It was a fabulous exhibit I hope they tour it. I spent about 3 hours reading every word. They had many original paintings on display that I had never seen before.
I walked to her childhood home. I had been many years ago and they have been given more funding and have made improvements. Upstairs is still not open but maybe in time it will happen. Walked pass the James Bay Inn where she passed away. All 3 places she lived most of her life are within a 4 block radius. It was a special day for me. Makes me wish I could paint or write! |
The House of All Sorts |
Childhood home |
Next day was packing up and heading for the ferry. That was slow I never want to leave once I get to the Island. Got on the noon Ferry from Swartz Bay. It was fun to go through Active Pass. I was on one of the new Super Ferries. Got a great spot right behind all the motorbikes. Makes for a fast get away. After once again driving through the nightmare also known as Vancouver I only made it as far as Merrit. I was tired and just didn't want to stay in smelly Kamloops. When I got out of my car at 5:30 pm it was 33 degrees. Like stepping into an oven. Went into the room turned on the AC and went for supper. I turned off the AC because I didn't want to listen to it all night. Woke up at 2 am drenched in sweat. Turned the noise maker back on slept in until 7:30 am. Didn't get back on the road until 9. Drove to Salmon Arm for brunch then drove home and arrived at 7:30 pm. Just missed a terrible storm in NW Calgary. Streets turned into rivers. Hail so bad it was like driving on ice. Lighting hit a home not to far away and set it on fire. All I saw was a beautiful double rainbow as I drove into town. It had all passed by the time I was pulling in.
Original painting in the Carr home |
Today I am off to check out a new Provincial Park that opened yesterday just down the road.
Then it's the annual Babes in the Badlands camp out this weekend.
Back to the Salt Mine on Tuesday.
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