Sunday, September 11, 2011


I didn't think I would watch the ceremonies of this day but I did. I turned on the TV and CBC news network was there. Obama and Bush plus their wives where shaking hands with people at ground zero. I decided that I was up at 6:30 for a reason. It was worth watching from an historic point of view. The speeches were very well done by the 2 presidents and the NYC mayors as they quoted other people. It was very moving.

When they switched it over to the Pentagon there were the speeches I had expected some one to make. Joe Biden made a powerful and interesting speech. Interesting because he spoke about the 9/11 generation. How they have become the greatest fighting force. He mentioned fighting troops in Afghanistan and made a secondary mention of Iraq. He made it sound like they are the only troops fighting. As we Canucks know we told the Americans that we wouldn't go into Iraq with them. We went to Afghanistan instead. We were called cowards by many Americans but luckily PM Crietien stood firm. We have fought and lost troops while the Americans looked for weapons of mass destruction elsewhere. Did they or did they not find anything. If American troops had been in Afghanistan we would have had their mighty force with us from the beginning. Now that they are there it will be like WWII they will be the only ones to have ever been there. I love the individual Americans I meet when I travel there but I get so angry at the arrogance and the ignorance that is often evident in their leaders.

I am still amazed by those people on the plane that crashed into the field in Shanksville . The bravery of those people has always impressed me. Isn't it sad that they haven't been able to raise all the money that they need to finish that memorial as they wish. If that plane had flown only 2 seconds longer it would have hit a school. They took over the plane with butter knives and pots of boiling water. They passed their cell phones around so everyone could have the chance to phone loved ones.They are all still buried in the ground where the plane crashed including the terrorists.

Then there are the people in Gander, Newfoundland. They took in and comforted all those folks that where diverted when the Americans closed their air space. They had a ceremony in the town's hockey rink. How Canadian eh? The American Ambassador to Canada made a heartfelt speech. A children's choir of grade 2 students sang. The Newfoundland people spoke in their plain language with that charm only they have. The music was beautiful. From a piper playing Amazing Grace to the military band playing the Maple Leaf Forever and A Long Way to Tippararey.

We must remember although it is a small number in comparison to the number of Americans we lost 24 Canadians on 9/11.

On a much happier note the little 3 year old boy that people have been searching for was returned home by his abductor. He is safe and sound in his parents arms.

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